Saturday, September 4, 2010

Assignment For Week 1

1. First, remember to read the course information and the student manual.

2. Then, remember to bring two objects that you think help define or describe your identity. Remember to keep them secret from your classmates, and that they shouldn't have your name on them.

3. Then, when you have started your blog, send me the address.

4. Then, please complete your writing assignment:
-Invent and name a planet where everyone is just like you
-What characteristics would people from your planet share?
-How are they similar to Martians and Venusians? How are they different?
-Write at least one paragraph describing your planet and its inhabitants, and post it to your blog.

If you have any questions or problems, please tell me!
Good luck!

(P.S.: I know you're concerned, but don't worry: I have plenty of stupid cat pictures to last the whole bimester.)

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